How do I ensure that I’m training hard enough to get results?

In the world of fitness, there is an important factor that often gets overlooked: the mindset.

How we approach our training, both mentally and emotionally, plays a significant role in determining our results.

In this blog post, we will delve into the crucial aspects of the lifting mindset and explore why it is essential for achieving a transformed physique.

Get ready for an enlightening journey!

Telltale Signs of a Misguided Mindset

To begin, let's identify some common signs that indicate a misguided approach to training. Recognizing these red flags is the first step toward positive change.

Sign 1: The Quest for Quantity over Quality

Many individuals mistakenly believe that more exercises equate to a better workout. However, this misguided notion leads to subpar results. The focus should be on quality, not quantity.

It's not uncommon to see people attempting to cram in as many exercises as possible during their gym sessions.

They mistakenly think that a high volume of exercises guarantees a successful workout.

However, the truth is that quality trumps quantity.

By focusing on a few key exercises and executing them flawlessly, we can achieve far superior results.

Sign 2: Insufficient Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are often underestimated in the pursuit of optimal performance.

Cutting short rest periods between sets is a clear indication that you're not pushing yourself hard enough.

In today's fast-paced world, it's tempting to rush through workouts and limit rest periods.

However, by doing so, we undermine our progress.

Adequate rest and recovery are essential for allowing our muscles to recharge and adapt.

Taking the time to rest between sets, giving your body the chance to recover, ensures that each subsequent set is performed with optimal intensity.

Sign 3: Mindless Repetition and Lack of Focus

Going through the motions without intent diminishes the effectiveness of your workouts.

Mindless repetition hinders progress and fails to engage the muscles effectively.

During training, it's important to stay attentive and focused on every repetition.

After each rep, take a moment to assess the quality of your movement. Ask yourself, "What could I have done to make it better?"

By maintaining precision and quality, you optimize results and reduce the risk of injury.

This constant self-evaluation during each rep ensures that you are fully engaged and maximizing the benefits of your training.

Effective Solutions for a Transformative Mindset

Now that we've identified the telltale signs, let's explore some effective solutions to reshape your mindset and enhance your training experience.

Solution 1: Emphasize Quality over Quantity

Instead of pursuing numerous exercises, focus on a few key movements executed with precision and control. By honing your technique and form, you maximize the effectiveness of each exercise.

Imagine going to the gym and dedicating your entire session to squats.

Instead of rushing through various exercises, you dedicate your energy to perfecting your squat form.

By focusing on proper alignment, range of motion, and controlled tempo, you ensure that each squat rep is a masterpiece.

This level of precision and quality creates a solid foundation for transformative progress.

Solution 2: Prioritize Adequate Rest and Recovery

Recognize the importance of rest and recovery as integral parts of your training routine.

Allow sufficient time between sets to ensure optimal performance and intensity during each repetition.

In your quest for improvement, don't neglect the significance of rest.

Consider implementing longer rest periods between sets, giving your muscles ample time to recover and recharge.

By extending your rest to 3-5 minutes, you create an environment where you can push yourself to the limit with each subsequent set.

This focus on proper rest allows for enhanced intensity and ultimately leads to better results.

Solution 3: Cultivate Focus and Mind-Muscle Connection

Engage in each repetition with purpose and mindfulness. Develop a strong mind-muscle connection by concentrating on the targeted muscles and executing each movement with intention.

As you perform each rep, make it a point to focus on the details.

Pay attention to your body positioning, breathing, and tempo. Take the time to feel the muscle engagement and visualize the movement.

By doing so, you develop a profound mind-muscle connection that allows you to execute each exercise with precision and intention.

This heightened level of focus enhances the effectiveness of your training, promoting muscular development and overall transformation.


By recognizing the telltale signs of a misguided mindset and implementing effective solutions, you can transform your approach to training.

Emphasize quality over quantity,

prioritize rest and recovery,

and cultivate focus in every rep.

With the right lifting mindset, you'll craft a High Energy Physique, which is the key to elevating your performance, impact and success


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