How can I slow down my eating?

In our modern world, many of us tend to eat too fast, primarily due to our busy lives and constant distractions. When we eat too fast, we usually end up consuming more calories, which can lead to weight gain.

Moreover, it makes it challenging to achieve a calorie deficit if we're trying to lose weight. I'd like to share a mindset shift that could help resolve this problem and improve our relationship with food: meals as a meditation.

The Problems We Face

Firstly, eating too fast is a widespread issue.

This behavior often leads us to have difficulty recognizing when we're full.

As a result, we might still be eating when we're already stuffed.

Another unfortunate outcome is that we may not be fully enjoying our food, not just in taste, but also in smell and sight.

Let's delve into how we can tackle these problems and enhance our mealtime experiences.


Our first step is to slow down our eating. It might seem simple, but it can be challenging to put into practice.

To help with this, consider adopting a baby's mindset when it comes to meal times.

Babies take their time while eating, even if it seems that they aren't getting much into their mouths.

We should aim for a similar slow pace, focusing on enjoying our meals instead of devouring them as quickly as possible…whilst ensuring we don’t get most of the meal on our faces.

2. Tune into Your Hunger and Fullness Cues

Next, we need to be more in tune with our hunger and fullness cues.

If we're too focused on merely getting food into our mouths, we might not notice how full we're becoming.

Paying attention to each bite and the sensation of food entering our stomachs can make us more aware of our satiety levels.

3. Remove Distractions

Finally, we need to remove distractions during our meals. As someone who has been guilty of these issues, I can testify that minimizing distractions can have a significant impact on our eating habits.

Practical Tips to Mindful Eating

Let's look at some practical tasks that can help us become more mindful eaters.

Task 1: Put Your Fork Down Between Bites

Placing your fork down between every bite encourages you to eat slower.

You won't be like the fast eater who constantly queues up the next mouthful while still chewing the current one.

Ensure you only pick up your fork again once you've swallowed your food.

Task 2: Feel Your Food

We should also pay attention to the sensation of food in our stomachs.

When we eat, it's beneficial to be mindful of the food journey from mouth to stomach.

The more aware we are, the less likely we are to overeat.

Task 3: Be a Fine Diner

Lastly, try to approach each meal as if you're in a fine-dining restaurant.

Appreciate the sight, smell, and taste of your food.

Engaging your senses in this way helps slow down your eating, ultimately leading to consuming fewer calories.

The Impact of Mindful Eating

From personal coaching experience, I've seen individuals lose weight merely by eating slower and being more mindful of their food consumption.

These simple yet powerful practices could have a significant effect on weight management and overall health.

So, let's take the challenge: eat slow, eat less, and cultivate mindful eating habits.

Although behavior change takes effort, the payoff is a healthier relationship with food and an easier path to weight management.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out.

Otherwise, happy mindful eating, and I'll see you in the next training.


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