How Can I get more quality sleep?


Uncovering the Secret of Sleep Maximisation

We often overlook the importance of sleep in our daily routines.

It affects our eating habits, our feelings, our physical and mental performance.

I’m here to uncover the secrets to maximizing sleep and putting into place a ritual that promotes deep, restful slumber for optimal daily performance.

Mindset Shift: Sleep as a Superpower

Let's start with a mindset shift.

A friend of mine, Joe Welstead, founder of sports nutrition company, Motion Nutrition, once tweeted

This dichotomy reveals the attitudes different high-performers have towards sleep.

Renowned athlete, Roger Federer, gets ten hours of sleep every night.

That's not necessarily what we're aiming for, but we do need to prioritize sleep over bragging about early mornings.

The effect of sufficient sleep on our appetite, energy levels, and performance in the gym cannot be overemphasized.

The Problems: Sleep Deficiency and its Impact

Lack of sleep leads to food cravings, lack of mental clarity, reduced productivity, and poor decision-making. All these affect your overall performance, not just physically but mentally as well. You won’t be well-placed to make sound decisions, which could potentially cost you a lot of money.

The Solutions: Establishing a Sleep Ritual

Now, let's look at the solutions. First, we need to establish a consistent sleep schedule. I had a client, a young hedge fund owner worth close to a billion. One thing he emphasized to me was the importance of good sleep. He took it seriously and it didn’t affect his work hours. Despite his success, he didn't compromise on sleep.

Creating a Calming Pre-Sleep Routine

Next, we should create a calming pre-sleep routine. Priming ourselves for bed is a critical part of ensuring a good night’s sleep.

Optimizing your Sleep Environment

Invest in making your room more comfortable. It's worth noting that we spend a third of our life sleeping. It's only sensible to make the place where you're spending so much time as comfortable as possible.

The High Energy Physique Sleep Protocol: A Comprehensive Guide

Now let's dive into the High Energy Physique Sleep Protocol.

1. Pick a Bedtime: Aim for six hours of sleep, not the mythical eight hours we often hear about.

2. Reduce Caffeine Intake: Limit your caffeine intake to no later than 2 pm.

3. Engage in a Calming Activity: Choose one calming activity to do just before bed, like reading or playing a musical instrument.

4. Unplug: Disconnect from technology at least 30 minutes before bed.

5. Make Your Room Comfortable: Make adjustments to your room environment.

Ensure that your pillows are comfortable, your room is cool enough, and consider investing in blackout blinds or earplugs.

Implementing these steps will enhance your quality of sleep and, in turn, improve your day-to-day performance.

Conclusion: Seize the Benefits of Quality Sleep

Good quality sleep helps you feel good.

Having a sleep ritual not only improves your sleep but also guarantees that you're sleeping well daily.

As a result, it helps you to show up as the best version of you every day.

Therefore, see these sleep adjustments as an investment – an investment in your health, your energy, and ultimately your success.

Remember, it's not just about showing up, but showing up as the best version of you.

And, as always, if you have any questions or need any more individual help to implement these strategies, don't hesitate to reach out. Sleep well!


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