How Should I breathe when exercising?

When we consider the cornerstones of strength training, we often visualize heavy weights, countless repetitions, and intense routines.

Rarely do we pause to think about something as simple and fundamental as our breathing.

But what if I told you that there's one breathing technique that could entirely transform the way you view strength?

Welcome to the world of 90-90 breathing.

The 90-90 Breathing Revelation

Breathing is just... breathing, right?

Wrong! Just as there are techniques and positions to optimize physical exercises, there are techniques to optimize breathing.

The 90-90 breathing exercise is a testament to this fact.

While it may seem deceptively simple, it's a technique that targets the very foundation of your strength — and mastering it can unlock a level of power you've never experienced.

How does it work?

At its core, 90-90 breathing is about optimizing your breathing mechanics.

It's not just inhaling and exhaling. It's about ensuring the right oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange, engaging the diaphragm correctly, and allowing optimal oxygen delivery to the muscles.

Breaking Down the 90-90 Breathing Technique

So, how exactly does this magical technique work? Let's dive deep:

1. Positioning: The '90-90'

In the technique's name refers to the positioning of your legs.

Lie flat on your back on a comfortable surface. Lift your legs and position them so that both your hips and knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

You can rest your legs on a chair or any other elevated surface to maintain this position.

2. Breathing:

Once positioned, place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.

As you breathe in deeply through your nose, focus on inflating your ribcage, whilst keeping your abs in tension.

This is known as diaphragmatic breathing and is central to the 90-90 technique. Exhale through your mouth, ensuring that you push out all the air, engaging your core muscles as you do.

3. Awareness:

While practicing this, pay close attention to how your body feels. With each breath, you'll notice a deeper sense of relaxation and engagement of muscles that you may not typically feel during regular breathing.

Reaping the Benefits

The beauty of the 90-90 breathing exercise is that it's not just for athletes.

Whether you're just embarking on your fitness journey or you're a seasoned pro, integrating this technique into your daily routine can have profound effects. By improving core engagement, enhancing muscular endurance, and promoting relaxation, the benefits extend beyond just physical strength.


Breathing, a seemingly automatic function, holds the key to unlocking unparalleled strength and performance. The 90-90 breathing technique is proof that sometimes, the most potent exercises are not the most complex or grueling, but the most foundational.

If you're ready to redefine your strength game, to truly become STRONG AF, start with your breath.

The transformative power of the 90-90 breathing technique awaits.


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