Building Bigger Biceps: 3 Key Exercises for Optimal Growth

Today I'm diving into the world of bicep training. Before we get into the exercises, let's quickly touch on some basic anatomy. When we talk about the biceps, it's not just about the biceps brachii (with its short and long heads); there's another player in the game – the brachialis. Understanding these muscles is crucial for developing that impressive top side of your arm.

Anatomy 101: Biceps and Brachialis

  1. Biceps Brachii: This muscle has two heads:

    • Short Head: Originates from the coracoid process and inserts into the radial tuberosity.

    • Long Head: Starts from the supraglenoid tubercle and also inserts into the radial tuberosity.

  2. Brachialis: Located under the biceps, it contributes to the bulk on the outside of the arm. By growing this muscle, you can make the biceps appear more prominent.

Now, let's crack on with three of my favorite exercises to stimulate these muscles effectively.

1. Spider Curl (Short Head Focus)

For the short head of the biceps, we want to train with the elbows away from the body. My current favorite for this is the single-arm spider curl.

How to Do It:

  • Position yourself on the bench, hips down, and rotate your body out slightly.

  • Use one hand to hold the bench for stability.

  • Perform the curl, focusing on keeping stable throughout the movement.

This exercise really targets the short head due to the elbow positioning.

2. Incline Dumbbell Curl (Long Head Focus)

To target the long head, we need to work the biceps in a lengthened position, with the elbows behind the rib cage.

How to Do It:

  • Lie back on an incline bench.

  • Start with your arms fully extended, palms facing slightly outwards.

  • Curl the dumbbells up, squeezing at the top, and then fully extend at the bottom until you feel your triceps engage.

This movement ensures you're hitting the long head by keeping the biceps stretched at the start.

3. Hammer Curl (Brachialis Focus)

The hammer curl is excellent for targeting the brachialis, which lies beneath the biceps.

How to Do It:

  • Stand with a slight bend in your knees, holding the dumbbells with a tight grip.

  • Curl the dumbbells up, keeping the elbows slightly flared.

  • Allow the dumbbells to tilt in slightly at the top, following the natural path of your arms.

This pronated grip (palms facing each other) is key to engaging the brachialis more effectively.

Wrapping Up

There you have it, guys – three exercises to add serious bulk to your biceps. Remember, understanding the anatomy and the role of each muscle is crucial for effective training.


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