• A strong, lean and athletic physique that moves well and looks good.

  • A state in which you’re able to achieve monk like focus, mental clarity and high energy levels

  • A reflection of you adopting long term, sustainable habits energy boosting habits.


If you’re looking to get rid of that Dadbod for good? Then take a look at what some of our team have achieved this year.


I can help you transform your health, physique and boost your energy levels because I understand the struggles of balancing work, family, and personal health.

I’ve developed 4 Pillars I use in my coaching, to help guys overcome their overwhelm, get over their guilt about looking after themselves, refill their energy reserves and to finally build a lean, athletic physique.

Services i offer







It's common for many guys to struggle with building a routine that they can stick to, especially when they're busy with work and focused on their career. As a result, every other aspect of their lives, including their health and well-being, takes a backseat.

The High Energy Physique program is built on the foundation of my unique Strong principles, providing you with a tailored approach that focuses on strength training and movement, without requiring boring, long and intense cardio routines that leave you feeling exhausted and hungry.

With my program, you'll establish a bulletproof training routine that's tailored to your schedule and goals, allowing you to transform your body, increase your energy levels, and achieve the physique you've always wanted without taking up more of your time.

By focusing on strength training and movement, you'll build a leaner, more defined physique while boosting your energy levels and improving your overall well-being. My program is designed to help you achieve these results in a sustainable and manageable way, so you can maintain your routine and continue to see progress over time.


We focus on two things:

1) How “much” you should be eating.
2) Where your focus/what foods you should be focusing on including in your diet.

First and foremost I want to make sure you understand how much food you should be eating to achieve your goals. So in our initial strategy call I’ll cover this with you, because having this knowledge and understanding will make you feel more confident in your ability to make long-term changes to your diet.

But I’m not just going to give you Calorie and Macro Targets and leave you to it. We’ll then dive deeper into where your focus with your diet needs to be - so which areas of your current diet/meals we can tweak and change, what we can add to your current schedule to not only give you more energy, but make sure you’re losing up to 2lbs of body fat per week by focusing on eating more, not less.

We’ll then plan out how you can incorporate these changes into your diet and schedule, because all the knowledge in the world won’t help you if you can’t action it. So I’ll show you how to plan and prepare your diet ahead of time, focusing on time-efficient options that will help you claw back more of your time each day, instead of adding to your already hectic schedule. This could be meal prep methods, grab-and-go options from your local shop/supermarket, or meal delivery services in your area.

I’m going to give you the knowledge you need, backed up with actionable tools, to ensure that you can drop up to 2 lbs of body fat per week even when you have no time to cook, and have the confidence to keep it off for the rest of your life.


Feeling tired, stressed, and overwhelmed? Are you looking for a way to keep yourself feeling young and energized? This pillar is designed to help you discover where you're stressed and not rested, implement routines and rituals, and ultimately create high-energy habits that will keep you feeling your best.

The first step in the is to take a close look at your life and figure out where you're feeling stressed and not getting enough rest. This might involve tracking your sleep, taking note of when you feel most drained, and identifying any sources of stress in your life. Once you have a good understanding of what's causing you to feel tired and stressed, you can start to make changes to your routine that will help you feel more energized.

One of the key components of this pillar is implementing routines and rituals that help you to stay organised which makes it easier to relax and recharge. The goal is to reduce stress, improve your sleep, and keep your energy levels high.


Many driven individuals, while passionate about their goals, often find themselves entangled in the web of everyday tasks, leading to a scattered approach and missed opportunities. The chaos of juggling multiple responsibilities can result in overlooking essential tasks and delaying critical decisions.

Unveiling the Systems Advantage pillar – a pillar designed to empower you with meticulous planning, preparing, tracking, and responding mechanisms, ensuring that you're always ahead of the curve.

Gone are the days of aimlessly navigating through your tasks; with our approach, every move is calculated, every decision data-informed.

By mastering the art of strategizing, you'll transform not only your health and physique but also find clarity and purpose in every aspect of your life.

The Systems Advantage pillar is your guide to achieving more, with less stress and more confidence, crafting a streamlined path towards your aspirations.

A life worth living...

We know that it's not always easy to change your habits. That's why we're here! Our coaches will work with you one-on-one to create a plan that works for you. We'll help you find what works best for your lifestyle, and be there every step of the way.

Is this coaching for you?


  • You want to lose the belly and/or love handles

  • You want to wake up in the morning and feel full of energy?

  • You want to show up your best at home and at work

  • You want to know you’ll age in good health

  • You want to know what to do when ‘life gets in the way

  • You’re willing to do the bare minimum to get results

  • You want a solid action plan and accountability


  • If you are after a quick fix

  • You want to stick to a rigid program plan

  • You can’t commit to communicating with your coach

  • You’ll let life get in the way

  • You don’t value your health highly

I want to start on my journey today!

Here’s How To Get Started

Step 1

Fill out the contact form below. I will get back to you in 24 hours.

Step 2

Pick a date and time for a consultation.

Step 3

We will discuss how we will bridge the gap from where you are now, to where you’re going to be.

Step 4

Achieve a high energy physique for life.


After just 1 month of working with Kemo, I’ve lost 5kg. My face is noticeably thinner. I Fit into 32” trousers for the first time in about 4 years. My Energy is up. I’m sleeping like a baby. My eating habits and meal times have been such an easy change and was the thing that I thought was going to be most difficult!


Before I began training with my wife, I struggled with getting enough nutrients in my diet and struggled with my waist growing in size beyond my personal comfort. I tried walking on my own or limiting my diet, but I found it wasn’t really helpful because I lacked knowledge about both. What really motivates me to continue training with Kemo is that his plan is simple and effective. You don’t have to change your routine or switch up your life in any great way; everything can be slotted into your schedule easily. As well, the advice given is effective to help you lose weight or change fat into muscle. I would say that the changes thus far have given me more energy and made me less anxious about my health. All around, I feel better and stronger and more content with myself.


Before I started working with Kemo, I was struggling with weight fluctuations, and every time I stepped on a scale, an emotional roller coaster always ensued. I previously thought that I could manage my diet and workout routine, but I was sadly mistaken. Kemo helped me to find that balance and make a healthy diet and workout manageable. Up until today, I feel accomplished with my nutrient intake, my steps, and my strength training each week, which really sets the tone for the rest of my day. I’ve also found myself to be even more positive with everything around me.