what’s the best workout to strengthen my pull ups?

Pull-ups are a cornerstone of upper body strength training, but mastering them requires more than just cranking out as many reps as possible.

Today, I'm excited to share with you a system I passionately believe in: the stage system for strengthening pull-ups.

This approach isn't just about increasing your rep count; it's about building the strength that makes advanced movements like muscle-ups seem effortless.

The Stage System: Pull-Up Strength workout

The stage system, credited to Kilo Strength, is an efficient method to amplify your pull-up strength.

This approach applies equally to chin-ups and pull-ups, but for this discussion, we'll focus on pull-ups.

The Training Breakdown

  1. Two Sets of Five Reps: Start with two sets of five reps at the same intensity.

    Ensure you're not maxing out; leave about two to three reps 'in the tank' for optimal performance

  2. Two Set of Three Reps with Increased Intensity: Increase the intensity, i.e., the weight, and perform three reps.

    This is where you engage your brain and muscles to pull harder, contributing to strength gains.

  3. Two Sets of One Rep with Further Intensity Increase: Finally, increase the intensity once more and perform a single, strong rep.

    This should feel comfortable yet challenging, emphasizing quality over quantity.

Stage System for a Pull Up Strength Workout

Key Points for Each Stage

  • Rest Periods: Between each set and stage, take a 2 to 3-minute break.

    This isn't about endurance; it's about building strength, so adequate rest is crucial.

  • Weight Adjustments: Increase the weight by about 5% between each phase.
    You can start with bodyweight and gradually add weight as you progress.

  • Technique Focus: Ensure your pull-ups are performed with proper technique for maximum benefit.

weekly pull up strength progression

The beauty of this program is that it's designed for continuous improvement.
Each week, aim to add about 2% to the weights you used the previous week.
After three weeks of progressively increasing the intensity, take a deload week.
During this week, return to the weights you used in week one and perform two sets of five reps.
This will give your muscles and nervous system a chance to recover and rebuild.

Weekly Pull Up Strength Workout

Weekly Pull Up Strength Workout

Setting a pull up Strength Goal

A fantastic goal to set for yourself is to achieve a pull-up with an extra 10 kg of weight.
This level of strength will lay a solid foundation for more advanced movements like the muscle up.

Pull Up Strength Goals

Complementary Training

In addition to the stage system, I suggest incorporating accessory exercises that support the pull-up movement.


If you want your pull ups to be strong, your shoulders have to be stable. Training the external rotators, so the infraspinatus and teres minor will be very useful in ensuring you have a solid foundation from which to perform strong and effective pull ups.


Rows will also be useful. They’ll help you to engage the upper back muscles, such as the traps, rhomboids and rear deltoids. Training these muscles will help with the upper part of the pull up, where the upper back muscles help to finish the movement, to ensure that you get your chest to the bar.


Pull-ups are more than just a numbers game.

By focusing on building strength through a structured, progressive system, you can transform your pulling capabilities.

Remember, the journey to mastering pull-ups is gradual, and increasing strength is the key.


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