How to see better results in the gym?

If you’re relying on group classes or switching up your exercises frequently to get results in the gym, you’re not going to see results that you want.

Why? Because you’re likely violating most of the key principles for building a strong, lean athletic physique.

Am I a Program Hopper?

Ask yourself: am I a program hopper? If you’re constantly switching things up or going to group classes, you might be guilty of this common mistake. Here are six characteristics of a program hopper:

  1. Group Class Attendee: Always opting for group classes without a structured, personal plan.

  2. Frequent Routine Changes: Switching workouts every session.

  3. Chasing the Latest Trends: Thinking you need to incorporate an exercise because your favorite influencer does it.

  4. Impatience with Progress: Quitting a program if you don’t see immediate results.

  5. Lack of Long-term Focus: Not sticking with a plan long enough to see significant gains.

  6. Boredom: Changing routines out of sheer boredom rather than necessity.

The Temptation of Shiny New Workouts

I would say “I get it.” But actually, I don’t. I do the same battery of exercises repeatedly. If you see my Instagram, you’ll know. Here’s why:

  1. I have a strong why: I want to age the best I can and be active and healthy into old age.

  2. Progress: How will I be able to apply the key principle of progressive overload if I’m changing exercises all the time? I won’t.

Whilst it’s tempting to switch things up constantly to keep things interesting, you’re doing yourself a massive disservice.

If I had strayed from a training block out of boredom, I’d never have got as strong, lean, and athletic as I am now.

I want the same for you.

The Adaptation Period

Here’s the lowdown: when you start a new exercise, your body needs time to adapt.

The first few sessions are all about your brain learning the movement.

During this adaptation phase, you’ll add weight quickly because you’re getting better at the movement.

If you switch routines every month, you’re stuck in a perpetual cycle of adaptation without real progress.

Why Consistency Matters

Consistency is the game changer. It’s not enough to just show up at the gym; you need to follow a well-constructed plan and stick with it.

Are you just going through the motions, or are you committed to a program that emphasizes progressive overload and purposeful execution?

The Dangers of Program Hopping

Switching programs frequently, also known as program hopping, is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

This habit disrupts the principle of progressive overload, which is essential for muscle growth and strength gains.

When you constantly change your exercises, your body doesn’t get the chance to adapt and improve.

The Downside of Group Classes

Group classes can be fun and are great for socializing, but they often cater to entertainment rather than fostering consistency.

They encourage program hopping and chasing novelty.

They’re the exercise equivalent of scrolling on Instagram searching for dopamine hits.

With a new set of exercises and protocols every session, these classes can keep you entertained but may not provide the steady progress you need.

While they might be a good supplement, relying solely on them can lead to the same pitfalls as program hopping.

The Myth of Muscle Confusion

The idea of “shocking” or “confusing” your muscles is a myth.

Your muscles grow by progressively getting stronger at specific exercises over time, not by constantly changing routines.

Consistent, progressive overload on a set of core exercises is what drives real muscle growth and strength.

Social Media and Information Overload

Social media and the internet are double-edged swords.

While they provide a wealth of information, they can also lead to information overload and the temptation to try every new workout you see.

Stick to your plan and resist the urge to constantly switch things up based on the latest trends.

How to See Better Results

For substantial muscle gains and improved strength, you need a detailed, well-designed program tailored to your goals.

Follow this program consistently.

Even if you don’t see immediate results, give it time—at least eight weeks—before making any changes.

Consistency is key.

Making Adjustments Without Program Hopping

If you hit a plateau, don’t immediately blame the program.

Look at your sleep, nutrition, and stress levels.

Minor tweaks like adjusting sets, reps, or rest periods can help. Keep the core exercises the same but vary your accessory movements if you need a change.

Stay the Course

Stop program hopping and commit to a consistent training regimen.

Set small, achievable goals to keep yourself motivated.

Find what works for you through trial and error, and stick to the exercises and principles that give you the best results.

Apply progressive overload and ensure you’re taking care of your body outside the gym with proper nutrition and recovery.

Remember, real progress comes from consistency and dedication, not from chasing the latest workout fad.

Stay focused, stay consistent, and watch your hard work pay off.


How to break through a training plateau?


How to build a strong and muscular physique?