How to find time to exercise when you want to lose weight?

Trying to lose weight? Specifically the belly and the love handles? Is finding time an issue?

This article presents the solution: Super Sunday

This is a crucial training for anyone starting with High Energy Physique.

This isn't just about having good intentions; it’s about making time to ensure you actually follow through with your program. Not only this, you’ll be able to effectively map out the week and any obstacles, to figure out which calorie management tool to use.

Trust me, if it's not in the schedule, it’s probably not getting done.

Step 1: Plan Your Week

I recommend doing this on a Sunday, ideally at 10 a.m. Mark it in red because it's super important.

This is your planning session for the week ahead.

Step 2: Open Your Calendar

First things first, open up your calendar app. Whether you use Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, or any other app, just pick one you’re comfortable with. Mine syncs with Google Calendar for things like Zoom calls, but use whatever works for you.

Step 3: Block Out Work Time

Start by blocking out all your work hours.

For me, work starts at 7:30 a.m. and goes until about 10:30 a.m.

Then I hit the gym for a couple of hours, come back, and work some more until my coaching session ends in the evening.

Label these blocks as "Work" and copy them across your week.

Step 4: Schedule Calls, Webinars, and Meetings

Next, block out any calls, webinars, or meetings.

These are typically already in my calendar thanks to Calendly, but make sure you’ve got everything scheduled to avoid conflicts.

Step 5: Social Activities

Schedule your social activities. For example, a coffee date on Tuesday and another on Thursday.

If you've got dinners out or any social commitments, make sure they’re in your calendar too.

Step 6: Food Prep Time

Food prep is crucial.

Block out two hours for food prep – it’s the most important task to ensure you stay on track with your nutrition.

If you’re ordering from a food delivery service, plan this during your Sunday planning session.

Step 7: Tracking Time

Pre-tracking your meals is essential.

Set aside 10 minutes to enter your meals into MyFitnessPal before you eat.

This helps prevent overeating and ensures you stick to your nutrition goals.

Step 8: Training Sessions

Mark your training sessions in green.

For me, it’s upper body on Mondays, lower body on Wednesdays, and a mix on other days.

Schedule your training times based on your availability.

Step 9: Walks

Walking is key, especially if you’re on a fat loss program.

I recommend morning walks at 6:30 a.m. and, if needed, additional walks in the afternoon.

Ensure you hit a minimum of 10,000 steps a day.

Step 10: Relaxation Time

Schedule time to relax and unwind. Whether it’s watching YouTube, playing guitar, or DJing, make sure you have some downtime each evening for stress management.

Step 11: Bedtime Routine

Finally, set a consistent bedtime.

For me, it’s around 10 p.m.

I usually wind down by watching something on YouTube or listening to a podcast.

Flexibility and Accountability

Your schedule doesn’t have to be rigid, but you can’t delete any of these essential activities.

You can move things around if needed, but make sure everything is blocked out first.

This ensures you’re proactive rather than reactive with your time.

Conclusion: The Power of Super Sunday

Super Sunday is your secret weapon for a successful week.

By dedicating time every Sunday to plan and schedule your activities, you ensure that your goals stay on track.

This proactive approach helps you manage your time effectively, reduce stress, and stay committed to your fitness journey.

Whether it's work, social activities, food prep, training, or relaxation, having everything mapped out in advance makes it much easier to follow through.

Remember, the key to success is consistency, and Super Sunday is your foundation for a productive and balanced week.


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