How to stop snacking and eating junk food?

If you're aiming for that dream physique, the journey begins right in your kitchen. It’s about surrounding yourself with the right stuff and getting rid of the junk that's holding you back.

Ready to grab those bin bags and wheel in the compost bins?

The Importance of a Kitchen Overhaul

We’re not talking about new curtains or flooring. We’re talking about your fridge and cupboards.

If a food is in your home you will end up eating it.

So, if there are “unhealthy” or “trigger” foods in your home, someone’s bound to eat them. And that someone is likely you.

By clearing out the junk and filling your kitchen with nutritious options, you set yourself up for success.

How to Execute a Kitchen Overhaul

  1. Clear Out the Junk: Collect all unhealthy foods from your fridge and pantry. If it's rubbish, bin it. If it has some redeeming qualities, donate it to a local food bank or give it to a friend/colleague.

  2. Spot the Unhealthy Foods: This includes obvious junk like crisps and fizzy drinks, deceptive foods like sweetened yoghurt, and hidden culprits like sugary condiments and processed meats.

  3. Stock Up on Healthy Choices: Replace the junk with nutritious foods like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

Guidelines for a Healthier Food Environment

  1. Out of Sight, Out of Mind: If it's not in your environment, you’re less likely to eat it. So, don’t buy it. Keep calorie-dense, low-satiety foods (crisps, cakes, sweets) out of sight.

  2. Make Healthy Food Visible: Keep fruits and vegetables in plain view. Place healthy options at the front and centre of your fridge.

  3. Hide the Junk: Store calorie-dense snacks in opaque containers. Use clear containers for healthy foods.

  4. Limit Variety of Junk Foods: Keep a narrow range of junk foods to reduce temptation.

  5. Eat Mindfully: Avoid eating in front of the TV. Keep serving bowls off the dining table to help control portions.

  6. Avoid Snacking in the Kitchen: If you tend to snack in the kitchen, spend less time there.

  7. Keep Your Desk Clear of Snacks: Don’t keep sweets or snack foods on your desk.

What This All Means

Foods you should eat more of need to be more visible, convenient, and plentiful in your environment. Foods you should eat less of should be less visible, less convenient, and less varied.

Two Final Tips

  1. Shop Smartly: Buy a variety of healthy foods and limit the unhealthy ones. Position them correctly in your environment.

  2. Prepare Your Meals: Meal prep is essential. Cook in bulk so you have healthy meals ready when temptation strikes.


Your food environment has a significant impact on your dietary habits.

Use these strategies to make better food choices effortlessly and reduce the need to constantly rely on willpower. Revamp your kitchen, and you'll revamp your body!


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