what’s the best way to learn a hollow body?

the hollow body hold. This isn't just any exercise; it's a bracing move that keeps your core and hips in tension, preventing energy leaks. Let's break it down and get you mastering this fundamental move.

The Essence of the Hollow Body Hold

The hollow body is all about creating a stacked rib cage position while lying down. This move is crucial for improving strength, stability, and even muscle hypertrophy in the core area. It's also a key player in moves like the front lever and various pulling movements.

Perfecting the Hollow Body: Key Components

  1. Shoulder Position: Start on your back, lifting the shoulder blades slightly off the floor. Keep your chin neutral – not too far forward.

  2. Pelvic Tilt: Tilt your pelvis up, pushing your lower back hard into the floor. You'll feel the tension in your abs right away.

  3. Legs and Arms: For the advanced version, lock your legs, point your toes, and extend your arms behind your head. This full extension creates maximum tension throughout the body.

Progressions: From Beginner to Advanced

Not everyone can jump straight into the full hollow body hold, and that's okay. Let's go through the regressions:

  1. Basic Position: Start with your feet on the floor, shoulder blades lifted, and arms driving down.

  2. Knee Tuck: Next, bring your knees in, calves parallel to the floor, and reach down.

  3. Extended Legs: Point your legs up while reaching down, gradually extending them further as you progress.

  4. Full Hollow Body: Start with the basic position, extend your legs out, and then bring your arms up, turning the palms out.

Training the Hollow Body Hold

The key to mastering the hollow body hold is consistent practice and progression. Start with the basic position and gradually work your way up to the full hold. Remember, it's about maintaining tension and alignment – your lower back should always be pressed into the floor.

Wrapping Up

The hollow body hold is more than just an exercise; it's a foundation for a strong, stable core and efficient movement in other exercises. Start incorporating these progressions into your routine and watch your core strength skyrocket.


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